Saturday, January 16, 2010

aLmOsT dOnE!!!

Well, the time is slowly dragging by, and we are down to the last couple days before our little baby boy will arrive. The c-section is scheduled for Tuesday morning. We kept thinking maybe something would happen before then, but it hasn't yet so we are not holding our breath. If we did we might not make it till Tuesday. We have everything set up for him when he gets here, and are excited to welcome him into our lives. It has been a fun experience, and we have enjoyed every second of it. Well, ya know, maybe not, but it makes for good reading. :) Time to get to bed. 9:00am church seems to get here really fast.

1 comment:

Joel's Family said...

What an exciting time for you guys. It will be here before you know it and then the REAL FUN begins. They are such HUGE miracles. We wish you guys the best of luck and are excited to meet and see the newest Severe Addition...