Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just some fun halloween pics!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

UpDaTe At LaSt

Hope that everyone had a Happy Halloween! School is still going strong. I am getting ready to be done with CSI after the winter sememster, so I am working on getting the application process started for Idaho State. Have a meeting with the advisor this week. Cynthia is still holding strong with her classes as well, and getting more pregnant everyday. The baby is moving and kicking and doing all sorts of acrobatics in that built in gymnasium. It will be so exciting when he finally gets here. We have our fourth ultrasound on Nov 16th. The doctor wanted to check and make sure he is growing as he should. At the last appointment, they thought he measured a little small. It will be fun to see him again.  It is amazing what you can see with the technology these days. Hadley is enjoying school, and comes home exhausted everyday. He has lost both his front teeth, and one on the bottom. He has another one on the bottom that is loose, and could come out everyday. If he doesn't stop losing teeth he will have to eat through a straw. We told him to put his two front teeth on his christmas list!! :) !!