Friday, December 11, 2009


On Monday December 7, 2009, the judge granted our petition for me to adopt Hadley, and to change his name to Severe. It was an awesome day, and it seemed like it was never going to get here. The process started by having to send out certified letters to make those involved aware of what was to happen in case someone was wanting to contest the adoption. Then we had to publish the legal notice in the paper once a week for three weeks, and then we had to wait 30 days for the court date. While waiting for this day to come Hadley became very exctited about the idea of becoming a Severe. He would write Hadley Severe on all of his papers at school, and everything else he could get his hands on.  There is nothing that can express the joy that we feel right now. The feeling of being a complete family is awesome.  Monday was a very busy day from the court hearing, then on to christmas shopping, we went bowling, and out to dinner. We  are planning on having Hadley sealed to us in the Twin Falls Temple on December 17th. I know that day will be more amazing than anything I have ever been involved in...We are so blessed to have the gospel in our lives, and to know that we can be an eternal family. On a side note, the baby is doing well, and growing more and more everyday.  We can't wait til the day he arrives!!! I hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas and gets everything they ask for!!!


The Marchant Family: said...

congrats Severe's! That's wonderful news. You are a cute family:)

Krissy said...

that is sooo exciting... Nothing beats being an eternal family! Hope all goes well with the baby and you have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Tianna Groves said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you and your FAMILY!! :)

Lacy said...

Oh that's awesome Branden.

Ben and Jesse said...

Congrats! We are so excited! See you on Thursday!

MJSheppard said...

I am in hysterics laughing that you would/could get the judge to take a picture of such occasion. That is so right up my alley!!! "Uh, judge, do you mind overlooking all the criminals chained and in striped suits, and come down here and pose for a picture. This is a moment to 'scrap." :D Congrats!!! It is an amazing feeling that cannot be contained when there is a feeling of unity, I agree!